26 September 2009

For Them

A song dedicated to Peter and Suzi, Daragh and Edel.

Give me a minute
To catch my breath,
You took me off guard
In that beautiful dress.
Can we just take a second
Before we get in the car?
I want to remember you
Just as you are.

All shining and radiant.
Can't take my eyes off you.
But why would I want to?

As you lay your head
Upon my chest
I wish that the journey
Would last a bit longer.
I let out a gentle sigh,
"Love, we've arrived."
You plant a quick kiss
And my heart grows to life.

"Tell me just one more time."
She smiled, "I love you,
My shining knight."

Dance with me darling,
The night is young.
As we are too
But I know you're the one.
Now they're all watching
But I won't be drawn.
It was you I was meant to be with
All along.

I'd tell you I love you so
But that's not enough, no.
Now I must show
That nothing with break us apart.

Soon they'll be leaving
And we'll be alone.
I'll pick you up in my arms
And I'll carry you home.
I lay you down
In your bed for the night
But you grab on my hand
And say "Don't leave my side.

And tell me just one more time."
"I love you sweet baby,
I love you so." She said,
"Come here and let me know."

Moonlight shining down.
Moonlight shining down.
Tell me just one more time,
Say that we'll always be right.
Tell me you love me so,
Say that you'll never go.
Moonlight shining down.
Moonlight shining down.

Give me a second,
I lay my head on your breast.
You took me off guard
With that sensual arrest.

I told you I loved you so.

I told you I loved you so.

Now you know.



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