17 August 2009

Think, think, think...

Things are going ok at the moment. No real ups or downs, just a bit of fun here and there and being with friends when I can. Still missing two factors; a real sense of my religion and a relationship. Two fairly big things in a persons life. One is a question of eternity and mortality and the universe. The other is a sting that lingers with time moving on and on without me. All this time I am wasting when I could be with someone having a great time with them. Let's tackle the latter! Again......

This IS an important thing to me and I do consider it something that I, not need but yearn for. To hold, have, kiss, lie with, talk to and many other things. This is not just on a sexual level or anything as shallow as that, it's on an emotional level and a mental level. I don't want to play like a skipping record so I'll leave it at this; The fact is I'm depressed, alone (emotionally) and in need of contact, someone to love.

That's all I wanted to say.




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