07 December 2009


Pfff..... Nothing really going on. A bit disappointing, really. Something is usually always going on. Fairly boring last two weeks. Major floods in Gort have stopped me from going to college, not that I'm complaining. So, I've been at home helping out with things. Garden work, cooking, baking, cleaning and the like.

I pray before I go to sleep now. I find it helps fend off the depression of death and all that. If I have questions I just ask Dad. But, I don't really have anyone to 'talk' to, if you get me, about every day stuff that goes on. About a real understanding of this life.

The girls I hang out with now have introduced politics into my group. It is irritating beyond belief. The three of them are nice people, but they just have little bickering matches on a regular basis. Between themselves, fine. But when they drag my friends into it, I view it as dishonorable. And when I'm dragged into it? I view that as betrayal. Halloween night: The six of us were out having a good enough time. Later when things were dying down, Peter and Suzi got in a fight and Peter stormed off. The topic is irrelevant. I spoke to Suzi and asked what was up and she told me. I smirked a little bit. I know Peter and I knew that he'd be fine, nothing to worry about. Suzi said to me "What are you smiling at?" in a very poisonous tone. I didn't reply. Anything I said would just worsen the matter. I just shook my head and was about to turn and leave when she comes right up to me and says "You may not care about him, but Peter's my boyfriend and I do!" And she in turn stormed off. The reason why he left spits at me. This 16yr old girl takes a go at me for not caring when I've been Peters friend for more than 6 years and she hasn't known him for even for 9 months. Fucking pitiful.

This is what I mean. Fucking politics. Guys don't have politics. We get angry, we fight, it's resolved or it's not. That's it. We like you or we don't. ANY man that brings politics into a relationship is a pathetic man and person who brings a bad name to us all. The guy world is black and white when it comes to relationships. That's the way it is for many, many men. That is the way it should be in our world. But, things aren't that simple. Not when you include immature women and girls. I include the word 'immature' for a reason. Don't miss the point. I'd leave them all to fight and kill each other off, but they are entwined in my friends lives and unlike them I am loyal.

Stupid young girls and their pathetic perceptions of loyalty. Loyalty can be a burden, but it is a burden I carry gladly for a select few. Loyalty is not something you can just put down for a while if it gets heavy and pick up again when it's easier. That is betrayal, and I am no betrayer. It is something that can cost us much but in the end we will gain something greater than all we have lost put together and multiplied. I will never tolerate politics in relationships. They only tear them apart.

Take my advice; if you are in a relationship (friend, girlfriend, boyfriend, etc.) that has made politics come in to your life, leave them behind. Burn the bridge, put oil on the water and burn that too so there will be no ties left. Life is hard enough without other people coming in to yours and making you hurt. Whether that is in silence or not. It's a form of bullying, intimidation, control and manipulation. Be strong. Although it may hurt at the time, in the long run you'll be better off.



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