09 February 2009

Tame me no more.

As strange as it sounds, I want to be angry again. Raging. Furious. Hateful. In that I am passionate and I feel alive and adventurous and am able to take on anyone and anything. But routine and domestic life has half tamed me.
That's why I love metal and other such types of music, they release the fury and let me scream at the world for a short time.
That is why I love the night. Everyone is asleep and I can creep and watch and kill. I am invisible. The moon is my light and my Mother. The stars are my guardians. In the day everyone watches me and stares and the cities bustle with drones. Only the best survive at night.
Without passion we are shells. Without fury we are broken and tame. Only by expressing out loud what is wrong and what we hate will anything ever happen. I will not be bullied by other wolves who think they are bigger and better than me. I will scream and growl and roar at anyone who tries to put me down. I will not be bullied in to releasing what makes me live. I will not be bullied in to letting go of my passion.

Never try and tame me more than I already am. Any more pushing and you'll lose a hand at least and your head at worst.

I am Wolfskin.



Blogger Jonathon Stalls said...

great Ronan. You need to get out here this summer so you can walk across America with me!...lets release our inner HIPPY MAN. fa;dlksjf;aldskj

great post man. love your writing!


Friday, 13 February, 2009  

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