06 February 2009


We don't talk anymore... We used to, but now? Now there is a comment here and there, a picture to remind ourselves what the other looks like, and sometimes a call or text. When we meet in town it's brief and we are surrounded by others so there is no chance for a meaningful conversation. Do we know each other anymore? Did we ever? We are so similar in many ways and very different in others. Your heart yearns for a different place than mine. But the connection will not be broken so easily, yet there is a type of separation between us. When I see you I want to hug you tightly so you know I've missed you, so you know that we're still friends but just a little better than that. I love to read your writings and poems. I keep up with them and there is not one I haven't read.

The time we spend together is not enough. It's a short "Hello" and go. I want to go to lunch, or something, with you so we can catch up and I can see how you're doing. I want to know what troubles you and what your plans are. I want to talk like we used to. I'd share my thoughts and you'd share yours. Not over computers or whatever, face to face. Heart to heart. I want that.

But that's what it is; a want. It is not a need. It never will be. But if it was it wouldn't be special. I don't need to see you more but I want to from the bottom of my heart. I don't like spending time with a lot of people, even those in town. The 'acquaintances'. But I treasure every moment I'm with you. Those times are when I am most happy because I know I am sitting with some one I could know for eternity and never grow bored of or grow less fond of. You are one of a select few that I can truly call Friend. You are very special to me and I miss you. When I'm alone my mind wanders back to you and I smile. Memories flow back of the good times we have had together and I sometimes laugh out loud.

Sorry to get all soppy and shit. Much of this is emasculating but I don't really care. I don't know how to say it any better. But it could have been said worse, if that's any consolation...



Blogger Wayfaring Stranger said...

I always enjoy your blogs. You write some incredible stuff, and I appreciate so much your transparency and honesty. Keep it up.
Come see us!
We love and miss you...
Mark & Brenda

Sunday, 08 February, 2009  

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