12 November 2008

She Who Lets Me See Again

Smile for me, make me laugh. For tears are welling in my eyes, making sight so hard to see and I wish to see the sparkling sky. Orion, and great Sirius. Leo and Sagittarius. The nebulae that span a universe, and birth a thousand stars. I wish to hold your hand in mine and stare above in awe of sight that grants to us the power to see, and not to cower, from this spiral view of glitter that contends with you, but flitters, in all its wondrous majesty is dull and dead and dreary. For when those eyes that mesmerise, place their look upon me, I can not help but forget the world and the universe around me. So please, my dear, smile and laugh and keep a lofty heart so demons can not reach and grab and tear its flesh apart. I wished for you, upon a star, that; you would be so happy, in all that life may give to you that you would keep your smile. For in that smile I see your dreams that will not bend, nor break. You, my dear, are strong in will and mind and moral stake. Keep that with you always. As days and days go rolling by, you can look them in the eye and not be jeered nor steered off coarse from all that life can give you. You are you, and none are you, and you are special in my eyes.
So wipe away my tears so I may see you bright and clear.



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